Credentials from our clients
H+ fluid hat uns als Großkunde absolut überzeugt
Durch die sehr effizienten Abläufe und Prozesse konnte H+ Fluid bereits viele Großkunden überzeugen, zu denen auch wir gehören.
H+ fluid hat uns als Lieferant absolut überzeugt
Das Know-how welches hinter den Produkten steckt, findet bei uns großen Anklang und wir freuen uns auf eine weiterhin vertrauensvolle und langfristige Geschäftsbeziehung.
H+ fluid ist für uns ein zuverlässiger Lieferant
Kompetent, lösungsorientiert und stets als Ansprechpartner bereit. Gern verarbeiten wir die hochwertigen H+fluid-Ventile in unseren Produkten sehr erfolgreich.
H+ fluid vereint, was beste Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit ausmacht
Langjährige Erfahrung in der Fertigung von Ventilen, mit der Geschwindigkeit, Anpassungsfähigkeit und Kundenorientierung eines erfahrenen Maschinenbau-Unternehmens in dritter Generation.
More valve in less space
H+ fluid is a special kind of company. As a sister company of the Heimberger company from Oberderdingen, H+ fluid now acts as a direct supplier. We are a very enthusiastic and satisfied customer of the 2/2-way solenoid valves. H+ fluid combines what makes the best quality and reliability: many years of experience in the production of valves, with the speed, adaptability and customer orientation of an experienced mechanical engineering company in its third generation. Due to the very efficient procedures and processes, H+ fluid has already been able to convince many major customers, including us. We have come to know the managing director Darko Pinter as a very competent contact person and would like to thank him for the good and trusting cooperation. We are also pleased about your recommendation to your customer base and a continued good business relationship. We just started bussines with H+ fluid and we feel that we are doing bussines for many years. We are glad that we can have such a relationship, and we hope to continue our service bussines with you for the years upcoming.
Contact our sales department now for product inquiries
If you are interested in our products or would like to know more about us, please write to us. Please send any inquiries that are not directed to the sales department to We are looking forward to your message.